
This is the 150th episode of the Science Of Ultra podcast. I started delivering content in September 2015, aiming to provide you with valid, reliable, and actionable information to support your ultra-running life and adventures.

In these five and a half years, I haven’t taken a significant break. For those of you who don’t know, in my formal job I’m a professor of exercise physiology; I teach health- , exercise-, and patho-physiology to hundreds of future health care professionals each year along with my own research. 

My wife has just retired last week and my semester at the university wraps up this week. We’re going to take advantage of the opportunity of a free summer to go after some big personal goals and adventures we’ve wanted to do but haven’t had the free time to tackle. So, Science Of Ultra is taking a break until September of 2021. 

I also plan to use this time to expand the tools and resources for the athletes I coach to provide a more comprehensive program for them and to reflect on how I may be able to elevate the content I bring to you. The podcast has been a lot of fun and very useful to many thousands of fans. However, it’s a limited platform and I want to expand the form and function of Science Of Ultra if it’s to continue to serve you as a leading content provider of valid, reliable, and actionable information.

I hope you have a great summer (or winter if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere). Stay subscribed. I’ll pop back up in September. With any luck, we’ll have a new and innovative vision to take Science Of Ultra to the next level in order to help you become your ultra best.

Shawn Bearden