Posts in Coaches' Corner
CC12 WS100 2019

Today’s episode breaks from our traditional format on Coaches’ Corner. Instead of starting with a T/F statement and then discussing the topic, we talk about a specific event today. This episode was recorded on July 2nd, 2019, just a few days after the 2019 WS100 Endurance Run. My guest coaches each had some great insights and experience at the event and we thought this would be a great opportunity to talk about their experiences and about how training may differ among athletes for the same event.

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CC11 Are You Slow Enough?

The average pace for an ultra-marathon isn't very fast. In races of 100 miles, for example, the average pace can be slower than easy training runs. How do successful ultra-marathon runners pace themselves? How do you pace yourself? Is it true that you should start races, especially longer ones, like a stroll in the park?

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