Capitalizing On Alignment

I have a quirk to share. When titles have multiple words and the format is to capitalize the first letter of each word, have you noticed that the little words are often not capitalized?

Rock and Roll…….Gone with the Wind…….The Catcher in the Rye

This has always bothered me, no kidding, as if those words are being disrespected despite playing a crucial role. Sometimes, I capitalize them and smile inside for the little guy getting due respect.

I’ve come to appreciate that joy emerges from aligning my actions with my values, even when doing so manifests in a quirky behavior. Unfortunately, we slip into easy habits or conveniences that don’t align with the person we want to be. What’s worse is that we generally don’t realize how parasitic those small actions (or inactions) of misalignment are to our well-being.

How can you better align your actions with your values?

Craft, Mind, ThinkShawn Bearden